As the fledgling nation of Taldor grew over millennia, it picked away at the surrounding wilderness, felling valuable trees while riling the beasts, fey, and other inhabitants into generations of cyclical violence. Only millennia later did Taldor and the forest’s eminent druids of the Wildwood Lodge negotiate lasting peace with the Treaty of the Wildwood. Even so, the forest remains a realm besieged by civilization. As forest-dwellers gather for the annual Greenwood Gala, the election of Lodge leadership, and the renewal of the treaty, there’s an opportunity to resolve old grudges—and as much potential to spark war.
By Andrew White
Though they arrived as guests, the adventurers are soon deputized as part-time guards for the annual Greenwood Gala, a convention for primal-tradition powerbrokers and a festival associated with the Green Faith. The ceremony is ruined when saboteurs assassinate several of the Verduran Forest’s eminent leaders. The adventurers must avert bloodshed and maintain order long enough for the Wildwood Lodge to choose a new leader and hopefully restore peace.
Severed at the Root
By Jessica Catalan
Under surprising new leadership, the Wildwood Lodge begins a campaign of violence. Shocked, the PCs and their allies form a new lodge in exile to oppose this new regime. As they recruit new friends to their cause, the PCs must deny the Wildwood Lodge a powerful relic created by the renegade druid Ghorus, all while investigating the strange, primal magic the Wildwood Lodge has uncovered...
Shepherd of Decay
By Mike Kimmel
Having neutralized the enemy’s new weapons, the adventurers and their allies assault the Wildwood Lodge directly to oust its murderous despot. Yet after recruiting local allies and besieging living fortresses, they discover their foe has fled to an unfamiliar realm: the Plane of Wood. The adventurers must earn the inhabitants’ trust and investigate their foe’s final gambit before giving chase into a blighted wilderness and averting an invasion that could devastate the Verduran Forest.
Foundry VTT Bundle
Experience this Adventure Path using the full suite of Foundry VTT features, using maps, tiles, tokens, sounds, and much more to bring you content which truly cannot be experienced in the same way anywhere else.
Severed at the Root
Foundry VTT Bundle
Experience this Adventure Path using the full suite of Foundry VTT features, using maps, tiles, tokens, sounds, and much more to bring you content which truly cannot be experienced in the same way anywhere else.
Shepherd of Decay
Foundry VTT Bundle
Experience this Adventure Path using the full suite of Foundry VTT features, using maps, tiles, tokens, sounds, and much more to bring you content which truly cannot be experienced in the same way anywhere else.