After millennia of infighting and exploitation, many of Belkzen’s orcs crave prosperity and reform. Ardax the White-Hair, a bold orc leader, has invited delegates from across the world to visit Belkzen during its most spectacular natural event: the Flood Truce, when meltwater turns badlands into vibrant wetlands, feeding the nation. Yet not all appreciate Ardax’s diplomatic overtures. When disaster strikes, several guests of honor must take up arms against Belkzens’ enemies and help its orcs realize a brighter future.
The Resurrection Flood
By Brian Duckwitz
As minor dignitaries, the PCs attend the Torrentmoot, a month-long celebration that orcs have organized to showcase Belkzen’s seasonal rains and reopen diplomatic ties to the wider world. At first, the PCs socialize, join short expeditions, and compete in games to earn clout among their hosts. But the excitement turns to horror as the rain unburies an undead horde that fans out to raid orc holds. It’s time to cast aside the diplomat’s raiment; if the PCs are to survive, they must become as tough as Belkzen itself!
Hoof, Cinder, and Storm
By David Schwartz & Shay Snow
Impressed by the PCs’ initiative and resourcefulness, Ardax invites the PCs to aid in Belkzen’s defense. First, they must track down the Storm-Screamers of Rull: specialists in controlling weather and protecting Belkzen’s all-important aurochs herds. Afterward, the PCs mediate two orc holds’ ongoing feud for control of a devastated mining city. Then when word arrives of a new invasion from the west, the PCs are first to respond—perhaps convincing old enemies to become Belkzen’s ally against a common foe.
Destroyer’s Doom
By Kendra Leigh Speedling
Belkzen has rallied against the undead assault. Now it’s time to crush the traitorous orcs who betrayed their homeland to its enemies. Racing ahead of Ardax’s armies, the PCs must infiltrate the enemy city of Wyvernsting, sabotage its defenses, and rally rebels from within to help overthrow its sinister tyrants. Only then will they uncover the undead apocalypse’s true master.