Character Options
The following page outlines character rules options available for use in the Starfinder Society organized play campaign. The Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society contains specific information on building Society legal characters, including step by step guidance.
Ownership of the Core Sources is not required for Character Option use in the Starfinder Society campaign, as long as rules are referenced from the official Starfinder Resource Document (sfrd).
The Core Sources currently are: the Starfinder Core Rulebook and Starfinder Alien Archive.
Ownership of Adventures or Adventure Path volumes is not required to use Character Options originally published in Adventures or Adventure Paths in the Starfinder Society campaign, as long as rules are referenced from the official Starfinder Resource Document (sfrd). A player must still have a chronicle sheet from a Scenario to use any options in that Scenario.
To use an option from any source other than the Starfinder Core Rulebook, Starfinder Alien Archive, or Starfinder Adventures in Starfinder Society play, you must bring any one of the following to your game table:
- A physical copy of the book you wish to use
- A name-watermarked PDF copy of the book
- Name-watermarked printouts of all relevant pages you wish to use from the PDF
- Access to the rules you wish to use in the form of either electronic access to the Starfinder Reference Document (paizo.com/sfrd) or a photocopy of the relevant pages, along with proof of purchase, such as a receipt from a game store or a screenshot of your My Downloads page on paizo.com.
The following do not satisfy this requirement:
- A photocopy of a physical book with no proof of purchase
- Printouts from electronic character builders such as Hero Lab
- Content reproduced in other sources under the Open Gaming License (such as an online reference document or a homemade omnibus)
In addition to the copy of the rules themselves, you must be able to provide a digital or physical copy of the below Character Options page for that source to show that the options you have selected for your character are legal for play.
Family members, significant others, or other members of the same household (such as roommates) can share resources if they are playing at the same table, rather than requiring a separate copy of the same book for each person. A group of friends that always plays together at the same table fulfills this requirement, as long as all the necessary materials for each character's options are present. Members playing at separate tables must each supply their own materials as normal.
Available Options: Legal Sources
The Starfinder Society uses Character Options from the following books; click the book's header below for additional information, including Society-applicable clarifications and lists of sanctioned options. Any book not listed on this page has not yet been sanctioned and is not available for use.
Last Additions: February 1, 2024 (Scoured Stars AP & Angels of the Drift comics; allowed chlorophyll infusion serum [Ports of Call]); October 18, 2023 (Starfinder Enhanced); September 7, 2023 (blessing of youth made legal)
- Starfinder Core Rulebook Character Options
- Starfinder Pact Worlds Character Options
- Starfinder Armory Character Options
- Starfinder Character Operations Manual Character Options
- Starfinder Near Space Character Options
- Starfinder Starship Operations Manual Character Options
- Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual Character Options
- Starfinder Tech Revolution Character Options
- Starfinder Galactic Magic Character Options
- Starfinder Drift Crisis Character Options
- Starfinder Interstellar Species Character Options
- Starfinder Ports of Call Character Options
- Starfinder Enhanced Character Options
- Starfinder Alien Archive Character Options
- Starfinder Alien Archive 2 Character Options
- Starfinder Alien Archive 3 Character Options
- Starfinder Alien Archive 4 Character Options
- Dead Suns Adventure Path Character Options
- Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path Character Options
- Signal of Screams Adventure Path Character Options
- Dawn of Flame Adventure Path Character Options
- Attack of the Swarm! Adventure Path Character Options
- The Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path Character Options
- The Devastation Ark Adventure Path Character Options
- Fly Free or Die Adventure Path Character Options
- Horizons of the Vast Adventure Path Character Options
- Drift Crashers Adventure Path Character Options
- Drift Hackers Adventure Path Character Options
- Starfinder Adventure: Junker's Delight Character Options
- Starfinder Adventure: Liberation of Locus-1 Character Options
- Starfinder Adventure: Redshift Rally Character Options
- Starfinder Adventure: To Defy the Dragon Character Options
- Starfinder Adventure: Drift Crisis Case Files Character Options
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In addition to this sanctioning, please reference the Starfinder Core Rulebook Errata for additional changes and clarifications to game rules.
All options in the Starfinder Core Rulebook are legal for play with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Spells: The spells animate dead and reincarnate are not legal for play.
- The armor upgrade installed in an android's built-in upgrade slot (page 42) contains the necessary battery for the upgrade.
- A shirren's blindsense (page 50) only allows them to ignore the Stealth bonuses as listed within the range of their blindsense.
- An item's listed bulk includes the bulk of their battery or ammunition as sold. For weapons sold without ammunition, such as grenade launchers, the listed bulk reflects their bulk when fully loaded.
- For weapons such as needler pistols that can be loaded with poisons or other injectables, one dose of poison must be purchased per dart, not per six-pack of ammunition.
- Mystics with the xenodruid connection replace the reincarnate spell with corrosive haze as their 6th-level connection spell.
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All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Races: Races from this book are only available with a boon permitting their use.
Themes: The biotechnician's discount on biotech augmentations from the industry connections ability does not stack with discounts from boons.
Archetypes: Replace the final paragraph of the Arcanamirium sage's Magic Item Scholar ability with the following: "Additionally, you can treat your character level as 1 higher for the purpose of purchasing hybrid or magic items; this does not stack with other abilities that increase your effective level when purchasing items." For the divine champion archetype, when selecting a connection for the lesser divine power ability, you must select a connection that has your deity listed in the "Associated Deities" header.
Equipment: All equipment in this book is legal for play except for the greater grandchilds cloak armor upgrade.
Spells: All spells in this book are legal for play except for mental block. Light armor created by the junk armor spell provides environmental protections for the spell's duration.
Note: On March 3, 2023, the mature xenolash was permitted for play.
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All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Weapons: All weapons in this book are legal for play with the following exceptions: warclub; elite living staff; advanced core hammer; and battle ribbon.
The correct price on the isothermal freeze ray is 165,000 credits and the correct distance on the dart cannon is 150 feet.
Weapon Manufacturers: All weapon manufacturer modifications are legal for play except Ringworks Arsenal Group. In addition, the combining modifications guidelines on page 55 are not allowed.
Weapon Accessories: All weapon modifications except inertial dampeners are legal for play.
Weapon Fusions: All weapon fusions except for the charge disrupting, defending, and energetic fusions are legal for play.
Special Materials: All special materials except djezet are legal for play.
Armor: The Brawler Frame has an item level of 9.
Armor Upgrades: The auto-injector and computer interface are not legal for play. The skill bonus granted by concealed compartments is considered a circumstance bonus.
Biotech: The circumstance bonus granted by the clinging hands biotech augmentation does not stack with weapons that have the disarm or grapple weapon special properties.
Magitech: All magitech augmentations except charming psychoactive eyes, fluttering heart, divining mirror neurons, and force palms are legal for play.
Necrografts: All necrograft augmentations except enervating hand and grave wind are legal for play. Purchasing other biotech augments as necrografts is permitted according to the rules on page 94.
Magic Items: All magic items except improvisation adornment, x-ray serum, techbane rod, mantle of willpower, and all listed artifacts are legal for play.
Hybrid Items: All hybrid items except animistic tools, computer idol, vital seed (beast), scrambler gloves, kinetic converter, vampiric charger, and containment grenade are legal for play.
Personal Items: All personal items except pheromonal perfume are legal for play.
Minor Equipment: The Minor Equipment on page 5 is allowed, but items purchased in this manner have no mechanical benefit to a character.
Other Purchases: All other purchases except starship crews and starship officers, as well as transportation services are legal for play.
Vehicles: All vehicles except ultralight turboglider, stealth sub, aerial mining rid, and the ultimatum hover carrier are legal for play.
Class Options: All class options are legal for play with the following exceptions: the lightning reload exploit, the pistol whip exploit, the particle wave revelation, and the incompetence spell.
Note: On March 3, 2023, the garottes and vibrogarottes were permitted for play.
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In addition to this sanctioning, please reference the Starfinder Character Operations Manual Errata for additional changes and clarifications to game rules.
All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Themes: Grifter and Noble Scion
Alternate Race Options: Swarmer [Ysoki], Cultural Chameleon [Half-Elf ], Skittish [Halfling],
Spells: Preserve Specimen, Shrink Object
Feats: Defensive Roll, Enhanced Communalism, Profession Mastery, Diverse Conditioning, Multifaceted Nature
Class Options: Tranq Dart [Biohacker Theorem], Hobble Creature [Witchwarper Paradigm Shift], Unveil Reality [Witchwarper Paradigm Shift]
Alternate Class Features:
- Envoy—Polymorphic Disguise [Alternate Class Feature], Phalanx Fighting [Improvisation], Sudden Shift [Improvisation], Saving Expertise [Expertise Talent]
- Mystic—Solar Connection [Epiphany], Lingering Spell [Epiphany], Guided Reincarnation [Epiphany], Modify Memory [Epiphany], Melophile [Connection]
- Operative—Stunt and Strike [Alternate Class Feature; Computer Dirty trick only], Quick Trick [Alternate Class Feature], Audacity [Exploit]
- Soldier—Multi-Weapon Versatility [Feat Boost], Wrathful Warrior [Fighting Style], Unburdened Shield [Gear Boost]
- Technomancer—Cache Augmentation [Alternate Class Feature], Genehacker’s Cache [remove baleful polymorph as a spell option only; the rest of Genehacker’s Cache is legal for play], Brain Hacker [Magic Hack]
Archetypes: Esotericist [Magical Devotion only], Fixer, Free Trader, Starwright [Inubrix Armor and Abyssium Weapons only]
Spells: Awaken Computer, Blast Door, Delay Countermeasures, Hoverdisk, Mass Hoverdisk, Instant Upgrade, Know Coordinates, Nanite Form, Optimize Technology
Downtime: The Downtime rules are not used in Organized Play with the exception of the Rebuild Drone activity for mechanics.
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All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Starship Options: The Starship Options are not used by players in Organized Play.
Racial Options: With the exception of the altered ability score adjustment, the willower ghoran option conveys the same racial abilities as listed in Alien Archive 2. The following racial options are not permitted: Cave Senses [vesk], Forceful Mind [vesk]
Class Options: The following class options are not permitted: Enshrouding Gloom [Paradigm Shift], Natural Computer [Mechanic Trick].
Archetypes: The following archetypes are not permitted: Assassin, Mediator.
Spells: Per the official FAQ, polar vortex is a level 3 spell but is otherwise unchanged. The following spells are not permitted: death affinity, defrex hardiness, planned obsolescence, verdant code.
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The options in this book are not used in Organized Play.
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All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Class Options: A vanguard that uses the Distortion Dreamer ability is off-target, not off-target and flat-footed. The following options are not legal for play: Shocking Weakness (Envoy Improvisation), Xenoambassador (Mystic Connection), Beguiling Outsider and Teleport Trace (Operative Exploits), Technology Smasher (Soldier Gear Boost), and Expanded Cache (Technomancer Magic Hack).
Downtime Activities: The Downtime Activities on pages 34-37 are not used in Organized Play.
Gear: The following items are not legal for play: philosopher’s sting, tunneling weapon fusion, all artifacts, and the “Wayward Legacy” advanced vidgame.
Feats: The Friends in Low Places feat is not legal for play.
Spells: Replace the baleful polymorph effect in wonder warp with the confused condition. The void whispers spell is not legal for play.
Other Rules: The Leadership subsystem on pages 100-101 is not used in Organized Play.
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All options from this book are legal for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Class Options: Envoys make take the Signature Item Alternate Class Feature, but may not take the Signature Tool option. The Experimental Vehicle Alternate Class Feature for the mechanic and the Remote Pilot Mechanic Trick are not legal for play. A mystic with the Soul Spark class feature may not use it to deactivate environmental protections provided by a suit of armor.
Items: The following items are not legal for play: composter slime, carousing domestic drone, empathy engine, geistwork hunter (upgraded version only). The lightvision shades as listed in this book are legal for play.
Rules and Subsystems: The dynamic hacking, custom vehicles, improving vehicles and mech subsystems are not used in Organized Play unless specifically included in a scenario.
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All options from this book are legal for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Class Options:
- The precog’s Timeless Paragon ability can be used between scenarios to benefit from the once per week or once per month abilities, and the full 20-level alteration can be used once per calendar year. Paradoxes cannot be used on secret rolls or other rolls that the GM makes (such as those to disable devices).
- Replace the baleful polymorph spell in the First World mystic connection with polymorph.
- Change the penultimate sentence of the third paragraph of the Spell Thief Operative Alternate Class Feature to the following: “You can choose a specific spell to affect; otherwise, the GM determines it randomly from among the beneficial spells affecting the target.”
- Replace the incompetence spell in the Technowitch Cache Hack with mental silence. Replace the adamantine shot spell in the Inevitable Immortal Tutor Alternate Class Feature for Technomancers with magic missile.
- The Mutual Destruction Alternate Class Feature for Vanguards replaces Invulnerability, and alters Entropic Pool and Mitigate.
- The following options are not legal for play: Thaumapathy or Morphing Hack (Biohacker); Broken Cycle (Solarian); Projected (Witchwarper).
- Weapons with the meltdown fusion emit high radiation for the purposes of armor protections.
- The stalwart armor upgrade provides a circumstance bonus, not an armor bonus.
- The following items are not legal for play: absolute compass, gravity phase unit, instant vehicle (ultralight turboglider only), mask of scrambling, trench coat of utility, Drift escape module, and all artifacts (pages 56-57).
[UPDATED - Sept '23] Spells: Blessing of youth may only be cast from spell slots. It may not be cast from spell ampoules, spell gems, or similar purchasable resources. The following spells are not legal for play: adamantine shot, Akashic investigation, helping hands, remembrance, subzero clutch, summon corpse.
Alternate Rules: The variant rules for Scaling Level 0 Spells and Rituals are not used in the Starfinder Society campaign. The Prepared Casting variant rules may be used by purchasing the relevant boon from the Achievement Points store.
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All options from this book are legal for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Themes: The Drift Crashed theme is not available without a boon.
Class Options:
- The following options are not legal for play: Release the Hounds (Precog), Tracking Beacon (Technomancer).
- Effects in scenarios that bypass the environmental protections of armor also bypass the protections provided by the enviro mask (page 53).
- The new consumable created by the matter converter (page 92) may not be of greater value than the destroyed consumable.
- Replace the baleful polymorph effect of the probability tendril (page 112) with rewire flesh.
- The following options are not legal for play: thasteron blunderbuss, thasphalt rifle, thasphalt carronade, thasphalt grenade (all page 51); quantum tunneling coverall (page 53); banishing blade and ring of genie calling (page 54); lunsinite rose (page 69); autoencoded veil (page 85); Vellsencraft Ltd. (manufacturer; page 117); couture clothing, couture jewelry, and designer perfume (page 129); all Artifacts (pages 177-179).
Feats: The Reliable Connections feat can only be used once per scenario, and discounts provided by this feat do not stack with other discounts.
Note: On March 3, 2023, the thasphalt blaster was permitted for play. Clarifications regarding the propel trait and the serum of shapelessness were removed as they were entered into official errata.
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In addition to this sanctioning, please reference the Starfinder Interstellar Species Errata for additional changes and clarifications to game rules.
All options from this book are legal for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Species: The following species featured in this book are always available at this time: dragonkin, formian, kalo, maraquoi, nuar, pahtra, rhyphorian, vlaka. Other species from this book are only available with a boon permitting their use.
Classes and Class Options
- Evolutionist: Per design team clarification, the Evolutionist class gets skill ranks equal to 4 + INT modifier. The Flexible Skill ability (page 12) increases these ranks to 6 + INT at 9th level and 8 + INT at 17th level.
- Precog: The Memory Echoes Greater Anchor (page 30) can be used once per scenario in Starfinder Society play. The Paradoxical Studies temporal anomaly prerequisite is incorrectly formatted, leading to confusion; the prerequisite is the Spell Rewind temporal anomaly.
- Soldier: The Draining Finisher gear boost is not legal for play.
- The Shifter’s Eye feat (page 51) reduces the total Disguise bonus once, not once per bonus.
- The discount from the Efficient Engineering feat (page 71) cannot stack with any other discounts for crafting items.
- Once an ally gains stamina from a Crescendo of Victory (page 98), that ally can’t gain the benefits of the feat again until they take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.
- The high-flux vivara rifle is not legal for play.
- The singing stinger (page 55) is a small arm.
- The following items are not legal for play: mahoi manta creature companion (page 83), spell amulets (page 102), haptic database augmentation (page 143).
Other Rules and Clarifications
- Players are not allowed to build their own custom species for use in Starfinder Society play.
- This book contains playable stats for twenty-five species whose information was initially printed in other sources. Players with a boon that grants them access to one of these species and requires them to bring a copy of an old sourcebook (such as an Alien Archive) may instead bring a copy of Interstellar Species to fulfill this requirement.
Note: On March 3, 2023, the following abilities and items were permitted for play: Devastating Throw, Draconic Shot, Hurl Ally, the ink gland augmentation and the linnormling creature companion. A clarification regarding the vivara rifle was removed as it was entered into official errata.
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All options from this book are legal for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
- The thyr species (page 22) is available for all players. Replace the text of the Psychic Linguist ability as follows (changes are in bold): Thyrs gain a +2 species bonus to Culture checks. Once per day, a thyr can cast comprehend languages as a spell-like ability. At 10th level, a thyr can additionally cast tongues as a spell-like ability once per day. Their caster level equals their character level.
- Other species from this book are only available with a boon permitting their use.
- A xulgath’s pheromone cloud ability (page 23) does not affect themselves, and is negated by environmental protections as an inhaled hazard.
- Germination serum (page 53): change the beginning of this item to read “A willing living creature…”
- Albitta’s paint sprayer (page 63) is a technological item with a price of 2,000 credits and bulk L.
- The 5th-level version of junk grenade (page 83) has a radius of 15 feet.
- The thought ripple spell (page 123) is a 3rd-level spell.
The following spell is not legal for play:
- identity storm (page 123): can result in PVP combat
Feats and Abilities
- For the purposes of the Expedition Chronicler’s Perpetually Prepared feat (page 93), characters are able to resupply between scenarios. At a table GM’s discretion, a character may resupply during a scenario if they visit a suitable location (such as a major city or port).
The following option is not legal for play:
- Gluttonous Nanites (page 103): encourages unsavory behavior at the table
Variant Rules: Additional rules, such as downtime options, starship options, and the cargo subsystem, are not used in the Starfinder Society campaign.
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All options from this book are legal for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Reprints: Some elements in this book (such as the Paranormal Investigator theme) have been reprinted from older sources. These should be treated as errata; characters using older versions should update accordingly, and new characters may use the options as printed in this book unless stated otherwise.
Species: As usual, species from this book are only available with a boon permitting their use.
Themes: The temporary HP from the personal trainer’s Morning Calisthenics (page 14) last 24 hours.
Class Options
Enhanced Classes: Existing characters who wish to retrain into Enhanced versions of their class may purchase a Training Montage or Mnemonic Editor boon from the Achievement Points store. New characters may be created using the Core Rulebook or Enhanced versions of their class.
- You can maintain one modified sniper rifle at a time from the Far-Reaching Influence theorem (page 34).
- Change the text of Major Minor Inhibitor (page 34) to read as follows: “You've learned how to use your custom microlab in conjunction with a wielded ranged injection weapon to enhance your minor inhibitor biohack. Targets affected by your minor inhibitor biohack take a –3 penalty to attack rolls instead of –1 as normal.”
- Vehicle Whisperer (page 47) is a swift action.
- You can maintain one modified weapon at a time from the Adapt Weaponry mechanic trick (page 48).
- The Remote Mech Operation (page 48) and Remote Starship Operation (page 49) mechanic tricks are not legal for play.
- The Accord connection (page 50) grants the spell empathic support at 2nd level.
- Replace the Isolation (page 51) connection’s 3rd-level spell with grim insight (Galactic Magic 75).
- Replace the Shifter (page 52) connection’s 4th-level spell with restoration.
- Material Alterations (page 54) may not be used to create djezet or noqual items.
- Add the following text to the Concentrated Cloud nanocyte knack (page 56): “You can do this automatically when you form your cloud array or reconfigure your cloud array. Your cloud array must already be granting concealment to reconfigure into a concentrated cloud.”
- The radiation from Nanitic Excitement (page 54) lasts for 1 minute or until you spend a swift action to end it.
- The Convenient Troubleshooting exploit (page 59) is not legal for play.
- If a precog with the Seer anchor (page 62) grants an ally a paradox, that ally rolls the paradox for themselves. The precog does not lose any paradoxes by doing so.
- The first sentence of the Preternatural Dodge temporal anomaly (page 65) should read “As a reaction when an attack misses you…”
- Add the following text to the Agile Ingress stellar revelation (page 68): "This cone or line moves in relation to you, maintaining relative direction and shape regardless of your movement."
- The Titanic Momentum stellar revelation (page 69) lasts until you leave graviton mode (not until you leave photon mode as written).
- The Exosuit fighting style (page 72) is not legal for play.
- The Phase Shield magic hack (page 79) functions as a field tactical shield at 8th level.
- The Retrieve Data magic hack (page 79) is not legal for play.
- The effects of the Entropic Penetration discipline (page 82) last for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier.
- The Regenerative Catalyst discipline (page 85) can be used once per scenario, not once per week.
- If an enhanced witchwarper takes an alternate class feature that replaces Infinite Worlds with another class feature that operates by expending spell slots per use in the same way, such as Infinite Tech or Infinity Lash, the enhanced witchwarper still gains the additional spell slots from enhanced Infinite Worlds, save that they can only be used for the alternate class feature that replaced Infinite Worlds. For example, a 1st-level enhanced witchwarper with 16 Charisma who has replaced Infinite Worlds with Infinite Tech gains an additional 3 1st-level spell slots, each usable only for their Infinite Tech ability.
- Combat Controller: The Air Traffic Control ability (page 95) grants its bonus to you and any allies in your vehicle during a vehicle chase.
- Menagerie Manager: Squox Companion cannot be selected with the Flock Tender ability (page 100).
- Change the text of the Lock Them Down feat (page 109) to read as follows: "When you successfully use harrying fire to distract a foe, that foe provokes attacks of opportunity from you as if you threatened them in melee. You can take attacks of opportunity against that foe with the ranged weapon you used for harrying fire. These benefits last until the beginning of your next turn, or until you take an attack of opportunity against them, whichever comes first. You don't gain the benefits from your own harrying fire on your attack of opportunity."
- Characters with the Trusted Companion feat (page 113) must note their companion on their character sheet when the feat is selected. This companion may not be changed unless that companion dies or the feat is retrained (though the feat could be retrained into the same feat with a new companion chosen).
- The following feats are not available for play: Community Leader (page 105) and Professional Regard (page 111).
- Augmentations: The Godheart augmentation (page 149) is not legal for play.
- Creature Companions: Add the following text to the lapiew’s Close Contact ability (page 134): “Once you benefit from your lapiew's close contact, you can’t gain the benefits of close contact again until you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.”
- Grenades: An irradiator grenade irradiates the area for 1 minute. A mk 1 thermal selection grenade deals 1d8P plus 1d6 C or F damage. A mk IV time-delay grenade deals 10d8 P damage. The following items are not legal for play: instant aquarium, mag grenade, multiversal breach grenade (pages 166-167).
- Hybrid Items: The radiation converter (page 163) affects radiation in a 10-ft. radius. You must be able to see the square you are teleporting to when using a short-range teleporter (page 163). The following items are not legal for play: diplomat’s music box, folding boat, keeper’s rings, telemedicine chamber (pages 160-163).
- Magic Items: You can only activate one timeskip crystal (page 155) per day, regardless of how many timeskip crystals you possess. The scarab of location and void board (page 155) are not legal for play.
- Personal Items: The air purifier (page 172) is not legal for play.
- Starship Upgrades: As Starfinder Society parties do not build their own starships, all Starship Upgrades (page 183) are not legal for play.
- Tech Items: The DC of the oil slick module is 10 + (half your level or your ranks in Piloting, whichever is greater) + Dexterity modifier. The personal comm module (page 156) is not legal for play.
Other Rules
- Rituals (pages 130-137) are not used in the Starfinder Society campaign.
- Starfinder Society players and GMs may not use the following rule systems: Designing Spells (page 114), Scaling Equipment (page 140), Narrative Starship Combat (page 176), Alternate Skill DCs (page 184) or Free Archetype (page 184). Alternate uses of Resolve Points are accessible with the boon in the Achievement Points Store.
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In addition to this sanctioning, please reference the Starfinder Alien Archive Errata for additional changes and clarifications to game rules.
All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Species: As of the beginning of Year 5, the following species are available to all players: draelik, dragonkin*, formian, ikeshti, kalo, maraquoi, nuar, ryphorian, sarcesian, shobhad, skittermander, verthani, and witchwyrd. Other races from this book are only available with a boon permitting their use.
[UPDATED - February 2023] *Dragonkin characters have the following additional rule:
When you create a dragonkin character, you may select another player’s character to form your partner bond with. Mark down that character’s Organized Play number on your character sheet. If that character is permanently slain, then you can select a new partner bond by marking a new Organized Play number on your character sheet between sessions.
A dragonkin adventurer may choose not to form a partner bond, or they may choose to form one later in their adventuring career. Once a partner is selected, they may not be replaced unless they are permanently slain.
Equipment: aeon guard armor, aeon guard rifles, maze-core equipment and the resilient jacket are not allowed. Dragonglaives can only be wielded by Large creatures or creatures with Strength modifiers of at least +4.
Spells: The summon creature spell (page 144) is legal for play. Players using this spell are encouraged to have statblocks ready for creatures they can summon via this spell.
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In addition to this sanctioning, please reference the Starfinder Alien Archive 2 Errata for additional changes and clarifications to game rules.
All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
[UPDATED - June 2023] Species: As of June 2023, the following species are available to all players: orc, pahtra, quorlu and vlaka. Other species from this book are only available with a boon permitting their use.
Languages: The following languages are available to all players: Bolidan, Daimalkan, Embri, Ghoran, Orrian, Osharu, Pahtra, Quorlu, and Vlakan (Spoken, Signed and Tactile). No other languages are available without a boon permitting their use.
Equipment: All equipment with a listed item level and price is available for play except arquand horns, calecor skull-globes, dreamstuff, mi-go brain cylinders, mi-go brain hollowskin, shantak whistle, shotalashu link cord, shotalashu saddle, and squox pet.
Feat: The Squox Companion feat is not legal for play.
Spells: The baleful polymorph spell is not legal for play. The polymorph spell (page 145) is legal for play with the following exceptions:
- Other abilities (page 143) are never available.
- No ability that is not explicitly called out in the spell description can be gained from this spell.
- Players are required to bring the source of the polymorph with them AND have the forms prepared.
- Selected racial traits can only be selected from abilities listed in the “Racial Traits” sidebar for a race.
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In addition to this sanctioning, please reference the Starfinder Alien Archive 3 Errata for additional changes and clarifications to game rules.
All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
[UPDATED - June 2023] Species: All players have access to the izalguun species (see this blog post for more information). All players have access to the hanakan, ijtikri, raxilite and shimreen species. All other species from this book are only available with a boon permitting their use.
Languages: The following languages are available to all players: Accaran, Akan, Brenneri, Dirindi, Dromadan, Espraksi, Hortaa, Iji, Izalguun, Koshorian, Lumos, Morlamaw, Perani, Raxi, Sazaron, Shimreeni, Spathinae and Telian. No other languages are available without a boon permitting their use.
Equipment: All equipment with a listed item level and price is available for play except for the EMP weapon fusion and flux fig.
Feats: All feats in this book are legal for play except Periastra Training.
Creature Companions: The rules for creature companions are legal, with the following modifications:
- PCs can only purchase the “Companions of the Pact Worlds” listed in this product and cannot create their own companions.
- PCs can purchase companions for the credit price listed in the “Creature Companions Statistics” table, though they must follow all rules for purchasing items.
- A PC cannot purchase a pet with a higher level than their current level.
- As per the companion rules, when a PC gains a new level, they can choose to pay the difference in cost between the cost of the companion’s current level and the cost of bringing the companion up to the PC’s current level. Such leveling can only occur between scenarios.
- A companion cannot have a level lower or greater than the level ranges listed in its statblock.
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In addition to this sanctioning, please reference the Starfinder Alien Archive 4 Errata for additional changes and clarifications to game rules.
All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
[UPDATED - June 2023] Species: As of the beginning of Year 6, all players have access to the copaxi and kiirinta species and associated language. Other species from this book are only available with a boon permitting their use. Kiirinta PCs should use the rules from this book for their move speed and ability DCs, not the scenario in which they originally appeared.
Equipment: The lithic graft is not legal for play.
Alien Companions: The cloud ray’s Natural Thruster ability grants benefits until the end of the cloud ray’s next turn.
Class Options: Electromagnetic Deflection is a 2nd-level mechanic trick. Geomagnetic Charge is an 8th-level mechanic trick.
Spells: Warpwave: If you roll a 4, the warpwave effect is confused instead of baleful polymorph.
Starship: The starship options presented in this book are not legal for play.
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The Dead Suns Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. Download the Dead Suns Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (427 kb zip/PDF)
Starfinder Adventure Path #1: Incident at Absalom Station
Equipment: Noqual as listed in the sidebar on page 26 is permitted, but only for ammunition and melee weapons; all items on pages 50-53 are permitted, except Ungarato.
Starfinder Adventure Path #2: Temple of the Twelve
Equipment: All equipment in this book is legal for play except the Ring of Fangs.
Class Options: The devastator connection is not legal for play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #3: Splintered Worlds
Equipment: All equipment in this book is legal for play except the grave wind necrograft.
Starfinder Adventure Path #4: The Ruined Clouds
Equipment: All equipment in this book is legal for play. Eohi boots must be worn for 24 hours before the wearer can benefit from their ability. A wearer cannot combine the full attack action associated with the eohi boots with any other class feature that might alter full attacks (such as flashing strikes or soldier’s onslaught.) The suggested alternate versions of the queller are not legal for play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #5: The Thirteenth Gate
Equipment: All equipment in this book is legal for play except for the Holdall Raiment. Relics do not sell for full resale value, but can be sold for 50% of their value instead of 10%. Relics do not come with ammunition (which must be purchased separately). Disruption equipment has serious downsides when used in environments that are not on the Material Plane (including the Drift) which are repeated here for GM reference:
Disruption pistols and rifles expend twice the usage and have half the range when used on any plane other than the Material Plane. If used in the Drift, they deal damage to the user rather than the target on any attack roll of a natural 1. Disruption grenades work in a way similar to the rifles and pistols. Temporal disruption grenades, on the other hand, slow down the rate of subatomic movement, halting those affected by it for a short period of time but not otherwise damaging those within the blast. The radius of a disruption grenade’s explosion is reduced to 10 feet if it used on any plane other than the Material Plane. If used in the Drift, those caught in the blast radius can roll their saving throws twice and take the better result when attempting to halve the amount of damage taken or negate any secondary effects.
Starfinder Adventure Path #6: Empire of Bones
No player-facing options in this book are sanctioned for use without a boon.
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The Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. Download the Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (445 kb zip/PDF)
Starfinder Adventure Path #7: The Reach of Empire
Equipment: The motion-detection badge (page 10) and hovertrike (page 21) are both legal for play.
Theme: The colonist theme is legal for play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #8: Escape from the Prison Moon
Equipment: All equipment in this book is legal for play except the iridescent trillian aeon stone, opalescent white pyramid aeon stone, vibrant green prism aeon stone, aeon eye, advanced resonant larynx, and all variants of trilasers and plasma flares.
Starfinder Adventure Path #9: The Rune Drive Gambit
Archetypes: The archetypes presented in this book are legal for play.
Equipment: The Azlanti royal battle regalia is not legal for play.
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The Signal of Screams Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. Download the Signal of Screams Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (427 kb zip/PDF)
Starfinder Adventure Path #10: The Diaspora Strain
Feats: All feats in this book are legal for play.
Spells: All spells in this book are legal for play.
Theme: The paranormal investigator theme is not legal for play without a boon permitting it.
Starfinder Adventure Path #11: The Penumbra Protocol
Equipment: All equipment in this book is legal for play except the detoxifier augmentation, the polarizing palm augmentation, the ring of the ninth truth, and the niaqui drug.
Starfinder Adventure Path #12: Heart of Night
Feats: All feats in this book are legal for play except for Shadow Infusion, Improved Shadow Infusion and Greater Shadow Infusion. Corruption’s Gift is legal, but can only be selected by PCs who earn a corruption manifestation via a Chronicle sheet.
Spells: All spells in this book are legal for play.
Class Options: The shadow mystic connection and Gloom Gunner soldier fighting style are legal for play.
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The Dawn of Flame Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. Download the Dawn of Flame Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets.
Starfinder Adventure Path #13: Fire Starters
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: allegiance collar is not allowed. The mercy pistol series is not allowed. The cinder rifles should all be two-handed weapons. The disciple blaze scimitar’s correct item level is 8.
Feats: All feats are allowed. The Telepathic Spy feat requires a Will save to resist.
Starfinder Adventure Path #14: Soldiers of Brass
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: astral transponder is not allowed. solar flare grenades are not allowed. Solar overload conduit is not allowed. Phase twin generator is not allowed. Lightvision shades are not allowed. The bonus provided by attablossom is a circumstance bonus and a creature who saves against an attablossom effect is immune to that effect for the next 24 hours. The radiant ensemble affects “other creatures,” and not the wearer.
Starfinder Adventure Path #15: Sun Divers
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: Anykey is not allowed. Polyfluid equipment is not allowed (except for Chronicle-based exceptions).
Theme: The Tinker theme is allowed for play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #16: The Blind City
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: The neuropoppet is not allowed. The Adjudicator’s Eye is not allowed. The Null Space Tumor is not allowed.
Theme: The Cult Hunter theme is allowed for play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #17: Solar Strike
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: The antipathy unit is not allowed. The Protector Chariot is only available to anassanoi PCs.
Feats: The Protector of Halannal feat is only allowed to anassanoi PCs.
Starfinder Adventure Path #18: Assault on the Crucible
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: The antipathy transponder is not allowed. The Malikahs Robes and the Malikahs Staff are not allowed.
Class Options: The flamewalker connection is allowed.
Spells: All spells are allowed.
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The Attack of the Swarm! Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. Download the Attack of the Swarm! Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (1.1 MB zip/PDF)
Starfinder Adventure Path #19: Fate of the Fifth
Archetypes: Both the Battle Medic and Career Trooper themes are allowed.
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: A character can only use each variant of the medallion items (page 45) once in a 24-hour period. For the Motion Trigger (page 45), only one explosive can be placed in a 5-foot square. The Swarm Programming Pills and Acid Cannon are not allowed.
Starfinder Adventure Path #20: The Last Refuge
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: The DNA Scrambler does not count as a weapon for purposes of Weapon Specialization. The Organic Printing Vat is not allowed.
Spells: All spells in this book are allowed.
Starfinder Adventure Path #21: Huskworld
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following exceptions: Mindshield Circlet, Queen’s Meal, Serum of Hibernation, Static Glider, Digger Stalkring, and Vessel of Hylax are not allowed.
Starfinder Adventure Path #22: The Forever Reliquary
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: Hoop of Perspicacity and Book of Predictions are not allowed. The Robe of Communalism can only benefit a single creature in a 24-hour period, regardless of whether or not the creature uses a different cloak.
Theme: The Diplomat theme is not allowed.
Starfinder Adventure Path #23: Hive of Minds
Archetypes: The Metaphysicist archetype is allowed.
Spells: All spells are allowed with the exception of ego whip.
Class Options: The shaper connection is not allowed
Equipment: Synaptic Sugar is not allowed.
Starfinder Adventure Path #24: The God-Host Ascends
Equipment: All vehicles in this book are allowed with the following exceptions: the Attack Sub, Heavy Dropship and Heavy Walker are not allowed.
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The Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. Download the Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (6.7 MB PDF)
Starfinder Adventure Path #25: The Chimera Mystery
Class Options: All class and drone options in this book are legal for play except arcane virus and unobtrusive chassis.
Feats: All feats in this book are allowed.
Spells: The alter corpse spell is legal for play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #26: Flight of the Sleepers
Equipment: All equipment is allowed with the following clarifications and exceptions: erasure worm, eye of the seer, living transmutation matrix, and ooze stasis flask are not allowed. The reality rifle and recombinator ray (page 45) are allowed but must be held and operated with two hands.
Starfinder Adventure Path #27: Deceiver’s Moon
Equipment: All equipment except for mind scour is legal for play.
Spells: All spells are legal for play. The quick change spell only has an effect on creatures with the shapechanger subtype or who are benefitting from a polymorph effect.
Starfinder Adventure Path #28: The Hollow Cabal
Equipment: All equipment and vehicles are allowed except for fungal bomb and fungal breath.
Starfinder Adventure Path #29: The Cradle Infestation
Alternate Racial Traits: Barathu PCs can spend their downtime after a scenario to retrain their racial traits. The barathu alternate racial traits are legal for play except for mineral exoskeleton. The attack granted by the internal chemistry trait cannot benefit from Improved Unarmed Strike.
Equipment: All equpiment is legal for play except for crawling cord, frost maw, grasping tentacle, growth glands, and moon splinter.
Feats: All feats are legal for play except for enclose serum and relocate vitals.
Spells: All spells are legal for play except for shared evolution.
Manufacturer Modifications: All manufacturer modifications are legal for play except for Mineragenics, Skybreak Holdings, and Twisted Ribbon.
Starfinder Adventure Path #30: Puppets Without Strings
Archetypes: All archetypes in this book are legal for play.
Class Options: Alternative Curricula is legal for play.
Spells: All spells in this book are legal for play.
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The Devastation Ark Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (5.1 MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure Path are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Starfinder Adventure Path #31: Waking the Worldseed
Feats: The Forward Momentum feat is not legal for play.
Augmentations: As part of the action to activate a personal stasis unit, make a Stealth check. The result is used until the augmentation is deactivated.
Starfinder Adventure Path #32: The Starstone Blockade
Class Options: For the purposes of the Disciple Operative Specialization, observing is done with a precise sense and does not take any additional actions. Spending Resolve points to recharge the Spell Resistance ability is a free action.
Spells: The archive and data dump spells are not legal for play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #33: Dominion's End
Augmentations: The anchored arms augmentation is not legal for play.
Weapons: The names for the degenerator rifles and degenerator pistols should be switched; all other stats and data remain the same for both item categories.
Armor Upgrades: All armor upgrades must be installed in a suit of armor for 24 hours before it functions, and when removed, no other upgrade can use the vacated slot for 24 hours. The tandem translocator and tandem vitality upgrades are purchased in pairs using the listed prices. The effect of the tandem translocator is a teleportation effect.
Sivv Relics: Relics do not sell for full resale value, but can be sold for 50% of their value instead of 10%. Relics do not come with ammunition (which must be purchased separately). Entanglement belts are purchased as a pair using the listed price. The felnar requires four hands to play. The following items are not legal for play: domination visor, immobilizer, rel-state generator.
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The Fly Free or Die Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (5.3 MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure Path are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Starfinder Adventure Path #34: We’re No Heroes
Vehicles: The hovercart is not legal for play. The light enercopter’s speed is a fly speed.
Items: All items are legal for play except the excavation drill, the molecular borer, the enviro-sensor, the remote monitoring system and the voice-command module.
Other Rules: The Galactic Trade subsystem is not used in Organized Play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #35: Merchants of the Void
Feats: Scoundrel’s Finesse is not legal for play.
Spells: Body double is not legal for play. Hide weapon can be used to hide a weapon in an arm or an arm-like appendage.
Starfinder Adventure Path #36: Professional Courtesy
Feats: Agile Swimmer is not legal for play.
Items: Beacon buoys can send signals to anywhere on the same planet; their range does not extend beyond a planet’s radius.
Spells: Pressurize is not legal for play. For the purpose of the algae bloom spell, “standard environmental protections” refers to the protection provided by a typical suit of armor.
Other Rules: The Aquafit downtime activity is not used in Organized Play. The new aquatic rules found on pages 47-48 are not used in Organized Play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #37: The White Glove Affair
Items: The illusion refractor augmentation and Kalistocratic clothing are not legal for play. The short-circuit grenade is a grenade, not a technological item.
Archetypes: The Kalistocrat archetype is not legal for play.
Species: Players may not build a moyishuu character without a boon permitting it.
Starfinder Adventure Path #38: Crash & Burn
Archetypes: The Safety Inspector archetype does not require Union Membership as a prerequisite. The Union Organizer archetype is not legal for play.
Items: Union membership is not legal for play.
Species: Players may not build a kaa-leki character without a boon permitting it.
Starfinder Adventure Path #39: The Gilded Cage
All options from this book are allowed for play.
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The Horizons of the Vast Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (5.05 MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure Path are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Starfinder Adventure Path #40: Planetfall
Rules: The Charter Development subsystem is not used in Organized Play.
Feats: The Naturalism and Major Naturalism feats (page 54) are permitted, but baleful polymorph may not be selected. The following feats are not legal for play due to their interaction with the Charter Development subsystem: Bolstering Bravado, Efficient Administrator, Media Mogul, More than Flesh, Registered Dietician, Soothing Orator, The Peoples Champion, Warpweaver (pages 53-54).
Companions: The silicanid companion is not legal for play without a boon permitting its use.
Starfinder Adventure Path #41: Serpents in the Cradle
Items: All artifacts (pages 50-51) are not permitted for play.
Class Options: The following options are not legal for play: Dark Interaction [Stellar Revelation], Dark Matter Cluster [Stellar Revelation], Pulsar Spin [Zenith Revelation] (page 52).
Starfinder Adventure Path #42: Whispers of the Eclipse
Spells: The DC to escape grasping brambles (page 42) is the caster’s spell DC. Verdant blast (page 43) should be a level 2 spell.
Starships: The starship options on pages 49-50 are not used in Organized Play without a boon.
Items: The following items are not legal for play: rotary cannon, grinding gears, heavy rotary cannon, crushing gears, aeonaut suit, empire aggressor (page 51).
Starfinder Adventure Path #43: Icebound
Items: The following items are not legal for play: hover anchor (page 41), jumpcycle (page 45), psychic chatter (page 50), electrosystem rifle (page 51).
Archetypes: The spy tool created by a Directive 9 Agent lasts until they create a new spy tool, at which point it breaks.
Starfinder Adventure Path #44: Allies Against the Eye
Items: The following items are not legal for play without a boon or Chronicle Sheet access: necropositrine ray prototype (page 14), culling ray (page 42)
Spells: The following spells are not legal for play: change attitude (page 49).
Feats: The following feats are not legal for play: Separate Spirit, Spirit Walk (page 52).
Starfinder Adventure Path #45: The Culling Shadow
Items: The following items are not legal for play without a boon or chronicle sheet access: aeon guard elite harness (page 43), blight quartz (page 52).
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The Drift Crashers Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (573.3 kb PDF)
All options from this Adventure Path are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Starfinder Adventure Path #46: The Perfect Storm
Items: The table on page 44 lists 3 mk 1 medical analysis kits at various prices. These are the prices for the mk 1, mk 2 and mk 3 version, in order.
Traits: The armor avatar trait does not stack with the vesk’s armor savant trait, or an armor savant graft (Alien Archive 4 142) which grants the trait. The following traits are not legal for play: celestial voyager, fiendish torment, hot fusion (pages 52-53).
Species: The ganzi and varratana species are not available for play without a boon.
Starfinder Adventure Path #47: Nightmare Scenario
Archetypes: The following archetypes are not legal for play: Sleep Researcher, Starsinger. The Disciple of the Stillness archetype (page 44) is permitted, but the 18th-level Perfect Stillness alternate class feature is not permitted for play.
Class Options: The Dreamer mystic connection (page 46) is not permitted for play.
Items: The chorister (page 48) is not permitted for play.
Starfinder Adventure Path #48: Masters of Time and Space
All options from this volume are allowed for play.
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The Drift Hackers Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (5.2 MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure Path are legal for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Species from these books are only available with a boon permitting their use.
Starfinder Adventure Path #49: A Light in the Dark
- The nanite tempograft (page 53) is activated as a free action.
- The code grenades (page 42) information table was omitted; it is published below
Grenades / Level / Price / Range / Capacity / Bulk / Special
Code grenade I / 6 / 675 / 20 ft. / Drawn / L / Explode (2d6 E, special 1 round, 15 ft.)
Code grenade II / 10 / 2,800 / 20 ft. / Drawn / L / Explode (6d6 E, special 1d4 rounds, 15 ft.)
Code grenade III / 16 / 26,000 / 20 ft. / Drawn / L / Explode (12d6 E, special 1d4+1 rounds, 15 ft.)
The following item is not legal for play:
- Soft-light holoframe (page 53): item requires significant revisions for use in the campaign
- The prismenis’ Drift Hop ability is limited to spaces within the character’s line of sight.
Starfinder Adventure Path #50: Clockwork Demons
- The collapsible battle ladder’s description (page 51) was omitted; it is included here.
Favored by smaller species, this pocket-sized ladder is a gnomish invention useful both in and out of combat. A collapsible battle ladder can be extended to its full length of 10 feet or collapsed to its compressed size of 2 feet as a standard action. Once extended, the ladder doubles in bulk and gains the reach and trip weapon special properties. Outside of combat, this collapsible ladder is extremely useful for reaching heights the user couldn’t normally access.
The following item is not legal for play:
- Blessed Innovator (page 31): does not have a price listed and is a specific vehicle
Starfinder Adventure Path #51: Into the Dataverse
The following items are not legal for play:
- Ethercycle (page 27): this vehicle only exists in the dataverse
- Hackbot (page 52): nothing prevents their constant reuse on the same computer
Other Rules
- The Starfinder Society campaign does not use the Computer Skill Tasks (page 47) or Sample Programs (page 48).
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The Scoured Stars Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure Path rules and Chronicle sheets — (XX MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure Path are legal for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
- The syngnathrix species is only available with a boon, available for purchase in the online Achievement Points Boon store.
- All Starfinder Society characters may purchase the Society Subdermal Graft.
- Kadrical's Tears are not able to be purchased or obtained by Starfinder Society characters.
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Junker's Delight is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure rules and Chronicle sheets — (5.4 MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure Path are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
- Light armor created by the junk armor spell provides environmental protections for the spell's duration.
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The Liberation of Locus-1 is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure rules and Chronicle sheets — (5.4 MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
- Items: The locus comm is not permitted for play. Batteries used in a healing weapon cannot be recharged in any way and are consumed once empty.
- Species: The gathol and tromlin species are not permitted for use without a boon.
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Redshift Rally is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure rules and Chronicle sheets — (5.4 MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure are allowed for play, with the following exceptions:
- Spells: The tenacious plow spell is not legal for play.
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To Defy the Dragon is sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure rules and Chronicle sheets — (5.1 MB PDF)
As the new rules content in this adventure is all mech-related content, the rules content from this adventure is not sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society. The adventure may still be played for credit using the sanctioning documents linked above.
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The Drift Crisis Case Files are sanctioned for use in the Starfinder Society campaign. Download the Adventure rules and Chronicle sheets. — (5.4 MB PDF)
All options from this Adventure are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
- Items: The psychodissonance capacitor is a single-use consumable item. The heretic worm is not allowed for play.
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All options from these comics are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:
Species: Any species published in these comics require a boon to play.
Items: The zapbolter (Angels of the Drift #2) and the spellbolter (Angels of the Drift #3) are longarms.
Class Options: The Junker’s Jury-Rig mechanic trick and Precognitive Preparation precog temporal anomaly (Angels of the Drift #5) are not legal for play.